Spaghetti Squash Mac and Cheese

Scrolling through the food category of Pinterest, you see a million recipes involving spaghetti squash. I’ve never really understood how a vegetable could replace some main ingredients in certain dishes, until now. Tonight I made spaghetti squash mac and cheese for dinner and let me tell you, it all makes sense now. I really didn’t even notice that I was eating squash instead of noodles! It was delicious.

I originally got the recipe from a Pinterest pin with a list of healthy recipes. The link to that recipe can be found here!

But, as always, I changed a few things up in the recipe. The recipe calls for ghee, which is most easily explained as an Indian butter. When I finally found it in the International aisle of HEB, I was kinda of shocked – it was $10!! Being the broke college student that I am, I was not about to waste potential wine money on a little thing of Indian butter. So, I substituted it with natural olive oil and everything turned out just fine!

I have decided that I need to start taking these pictures with a camera instead of my phone... But this will do for now

I have decided that I need to start taking these pictures with a camera instead of my phone… But this will do for now


1 large spaghetti squash
Canola oil spray
2 cups broccoli florets, steamed
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 tablespoon whole-wheat flour
1 cup low-fat milk
1 cup reduced-fat cheddar cheese
1/2 cup grated parmesan


  1. Preheat oven to 400ºF. Cut spaghetti squash in half, and scoop out all seeds and “guts”. Spray the center of both sides with cooking spray, and put them inside facing up on a cookie sheet. Leave in the oven for 50 minutes, or until the inside is tender enough to poke with a knife.
  2. Meanwhile, steam the broccoli.
  3. Once the squash has been removed from the oven and cooled, scrape flesh into a large bowl, adding in the steamed broccoli.
  4. In a large saucepan on medium heat, heat olive oil and whisk in whole wheat flour. Then add the milk.  Turn heat down to low, add both cheeses and stir until melted. Remove from heat. (I would recommend getting everything ready for this step before you start it. You have to move quickly on the stove top!)
  5. Pour cheese sauce over spaghetti squash and broccoli mixture, and toss until all the squash is covered.

This was the perfect thing to eat while watching the season premiere of Pretty Little Liars. I kind of hate myself for still watching this show, but I feel like I can’t quit now…

Anyways, I hope you all had a wonderful Tuesday! Enjoy!




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